Great TIME in Topic Maths!
4th Jan 2018
Today (04/01/18) we worked in our groups to learn about TIME!
Stars/Squares WALT: Understand and use quarter past: analogue time.
We made o'clock, half past and our new learning of quarter past times on individual clocks. From 'What's the time Mr Wolf?' posters we wrote the time onto our whiteboards.
Circles WALT: Understand and use quarter past: analogue time. Understand and use quarter to: analogue time.
We made o'clock, half past and our new learning of quarter past and quarter to times on individual clocks. From 'What's the time Mr Wolf?' posters we wrote the time onto our whiteboards.
Killylea Primary School, 150 Killylea Road Killylea Co. Armagh BT60 4LN Northern Ireland Phone: 02837 568621