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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 24th March 2020

Today- Friday 27th March

P1: Phonics: Please revise key words - first 20. How many can you say quickly without sounding out?

Parents [no sounds on board this time].Ask child to sound out then write these words rap/man/tip/map/sin

Writing:  Sentence building. Write these jumbled words on a page/whiteboard and ask your child to read each one. Can they make a sentence?

                           see    I     a    fox   .    can

Now write out the sentence and draw a picture in your literacy book. If your child is confident ask them to write the same sentence for cat/pig.    [Ask them to check their sentence[s] - "Did you leave anything out?]

Reading: Library book or try Oxfordowls online [we will be sending home reading packs after Easter]

Mental Maths: [use a number line to help if necessary] One more or one less within 10.

What is one more than 3/8/5 etc

What is one less that 2/5/3 etc

If your child is confident use numbers 6-10, if less so focus on 1-6.  Discuss if it is one more which way they will go on the number line [eg "up"]



P2: Phonic booklet-  Use First Key words booklet.

Reading: either a library book or try Oxfordowls online. We will be making up reading book packs for after Easter.

Writing: Story writing in your literacy books.

Make a story with all of the following props -  castle, dragon, horse

Think about WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN to make your sentences interesting.

Remember to use VCOP High 5 to check using a different colour.

Mental Maths: Look at doubles to 10 and try and learn at least 8 of them.

Parent ask "What is double 3/2/5?"   or "What is 2 threes?"  or "How many is double 4?" etc