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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 24th March 2020

Today- Thursday 26th

P1: Phonics: Please revise sounds - how many do you know quickly?

Parents write these sounds on top of whiteboard/page - r a n p i n

Ask child to sound out then write these words - nap/ pan/rip/ran/nip/ pin

Writing:  Dictation sentences - ask your child to write:

It is a hat.

It is a rat.

It is a mat.     [Ask them to check their sentence - "Did you leave anything out?]

Reading: Library book or try Oxfordowls online [we will be sending home reading packs after Easter]

Mental Maths: [use a number line to help if necessary] One more or one less within 10.

Get out your digit cards from your learning together folder and put in order 1-10. 

Adult ask: What is one more than 3/8/5 etc. Child to turn card over until all turned. Then repeat for one less.

If your child is confident use numbers 6-10, if less so focus on 1-6.  Discuss if it is one more which way they will go on the number line [eg "up"]

If you child is VERY confident as them to be the teacher and call out the instructions for you [this is tricky as they need to look at the numbers left and make up appropriate clues! See how you go!



P2: Phonic booklet-  Use First Key words booklet.

Reading: either a library book or try Oxfordowls online. We will be making up reading book packs for after Easter.

Mental Maths: Look at doubles to 8 and try and learn at least 5 of them.

Parent ask "Double what is 4?"

Numeracy: Subtraction within 20.

Adult to write out 10 subtraction sums eg 15 - 8 =      19 - 13 = 

Use numberlines.