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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 26th May 2020

Hi P1 and P2!  Mrs Lowry back again…

I can hardly believe that we are at the end of May!  Last week I loved hearing some of P2’s different endings to the Gingerbread Man Story – they were very creative!  You have all been working very hard for Mrs Kerr and me – well done!

How did the bow tying go? If you have been able to master this then get mum to drop me a line by the end of the week for the chance to win a £5 Amazon voucher!

Now time for some super learning today!

 [Note to big people – I have planned a Minibeast hunt for Friday’s activities. Please keep an eye on the weather as I have written this in advance and you can complete on a day that suits you!]

PRIMARY ONE: Wednesday 27th May 2020


Complete phonic booklet [Tuesdays]


Mental Maths:

I can add 1 to any number within 10.

Jumble up your digit cards. Pick one at random and quickly say what is “Add 1 “ to that number. If no answer within 3 seconds then big person wins the card. How many did you get to keep by the end? 

Record your answer for tomorrow!


I can sort for more than/ less than.

Find the “Less than 5” sheet with the two blank boxes and numbers on the bottom.

Carefully cut out the numbers by yourself and then paste them into the correct “set” [box] to show if the number is more than 5 or less than 5.

Some pupils may need a number line for support.


I can tell the days of the week.

Today’s story is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle[6 minutes long]

I love this story and it helps us to learn the days of the week. Do you know how many days are in a week? Can you say all the days in the right order?

P1 & P2:

In your learning pack you will find a “Days of the week” wheel activity and hopefully a split pin too. You will have to colour in the pictures carefully, cut out your wheels and put one behind the other.  Then if your turn carefully you will see what the caterpillar ate on each day. Keep practicing your days of the week. P2 you should be able to tell the day after and before too!

PRIMARY TWO: Wednesday 27th  May 2020


Complete next activity in  phonic booklet [Tuesdays activity]


Mental Maths:

I can count in 10s backwards and forwards from a given number within 50.

 Find and use  a 50/100 square.

Use it to help you count in 10s from different numbers – forwards and backwards.


I can add using missing boxes.

·         You will need 2 dice

·         Roll A Math Problem worksheet.

Use TWO dice first. Roll eg 7 – look at the sums and see if any need 7 to make them complete and fill in.

Keep rolling until you can answer no more – then use ONE dice and see if you can finish off your sums. Are there any you cant answer using the dice – why not?


See P1 notes.