Home Learning
Hi P1 and P2! Mrs Lowry back again…and good news – you have Friday OFF this week for School Development Day! Yeah! AND next Monday off for Bank Holiday – double yeah! I hope you are all well and keeping up with your work! I have a CHALLENGE for you this week… can you learn to tie a bow for me? This is a very useful skill to have to make dens, tie football boots or tie up your teacher!! You have ONE WEEK until next Wednesday 27th and a big person must let me know that you have succeeded to be in a draw for a £5 Amazon voucher. Get tying and keep persevering! That is also a good skill to have – it means you don’t give up even when things are tricky! So.. shall we begin and then you can get out to play? |
PRIMARY ONE: Wednesday 20th May 2020 |
Phonics: |
Complete phonic booklet READING TOO! |
Mental Maths: |
I can add 1 to any number within 10. · This is a key skill for P2 and requires QUICK recall. · If your child needs a numberline let them use it today to confirm that adding 1 means the next number UP the numberline and the amount gets bigger. · Set out 3 items [buttons, counters, pasta etc] Ask your child to add 1 more. Ask your child to say the sum 3 add 1 more makes 4. · Repeat for different numbers. · [NOTE to adults: even if your child is quick please do not miss out the practical stage using materials as this helps to embed the concept of addition] |
Numeracy: |
I can add up to 10. Find the “One more than” worksheet with the circles. Count how many circles in each row. Then draw one more [neatly!]. Count how many now and write the number in the box. Let your child use a numberline to check correct formation of number. We expect all P1s to be able to write their numbers correctly by this stage. If not please use whiteboard or shaving foam to practice writing numbers your child has difficulty with. START at the TOP! If that was easy you can have a go at Add 2 more sheet! |
Literacy: |
I can sequence a story in the right order. I can re-tell a story in my own words Today’s story is The Gingerbread Man [we are using an online version but you may have a book at home as long as the version has the fox eating the gingerbread man at the end!] [Big People – this is 12 minutes long …time enough to have a wee cuppa for doing such a great job!] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pckuS--UlV4
Find the worksheet with the 4 pictures of the Gingerbread Man story. P1: Look carefully at each picture and describe which part of the story it is about. Now cut them up and put them in the right order of the story. Paste two on to a page leaving a space to write a label below. So you will need to use two pages for the 4 pictures. Look at the labels below together and match them to the correct picture. Now write them NEATLY below the pictures. make cow fox eat P2: Cut and paste each picture on to ONE page in your writing book and write one sentence below each picture to say what is happening in the picture [you do not have to write the whole story!] Use VCOP High 5 to check you work yourself before a big person looks at it. Remember CAPITALS, full stops, WOW words and check for sense! |
PRIMARY TWO: Wednesday 20th May 2020 |
Phonics: |
Complete next activity in phonic booklet READING TOO! |
Mental Maths: |
I can subtract 1,2 or 0 from any number within 50 [quick recall this week!] Note to adults: we would expect your child to be able to do this quite quickly by this stage. If they have difficulty with subtract 2 then focus on this. · Get out your whiteboards and write the answer. · Big person to call out numbers within 50 [or 20 if too difficult] And ask to subtract 1/2/or 0 eg 34 subtract 2. |
Numeracy: |
I can link addition and subtraction facts to 8 and 9. Look back at last week’s work when you completed other addition and subtraction facts. Today I want you to write out the sums for 8 first and if you do that quickly then do 9 too. REMEMBER to work SYSTEMATICALLY! To get you going 8 + 0 = 8 – 0 = 7 + 1 = 8 – 1 = 6 + 2 = 8 – 2 =
Literacy: |
See P1 notes. |
Killylea Primary School, 150 Killylea Road Killylea Co. Armagh BT60 4LN Northern Ireland Phone: 02837 568621