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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 12th May 2020

PRIMARY 1: Friday 15th May 2020


Dictation sentence : Dad did dig a big bit.

Practice saying the sentence a couple of times so that you can remember it. [Big person – get your child to say the sentence and count the number of words, then leave them to recall the sentence by themselves.]

Mental Maths:

I can count back from a given number within 20.

So either walk/hop backwards or think of your own movement backwards while counting down. You choose how to move!



I can add to 10.

On your whiteboard - Roll a dice and make some adding sums. 

Roll and record first number eg 2 +

Roll and record 2nd number 2 + 4 =

Work out the answer – you can use counting toys or counters to help.


I can look closely

Find the picture of the sunflowers.

This is a very famous picture by an artist called Vincent Van Gogh.  He lived over 130 years ago and painted several pictures of sunflowers.  Did you know that he was a bit mad and even cut off his own ear! Yikes!

Today I want you to look really closely at the picture. Do all the flowers look the same? Some are painted sideways on or hanging down.

I would like you to paint/draw/sketch your own picture using pencils/ crayons/felt tips or paints. You choose.

You can have a go at copying Sunflowers or maybe pick some dandelions or daisies or some flowers  maybe from your garden.

Put them in a vase or glass and have a go!

I want to put up our art gallery on our school website so please ask a big person to take a photo of just your picture and either messenger or email it to me.

Can’t wait to see your artworks


PRIMARY 2: Friday 15th May 2020


Dictation sentence: The boy got a toy tractor to join his farm.

Neat writing please showing tall and small letters and CORRECT formation!

Mental Maths:

Try this game for one more or one less to 50

Else continue with examples as on Thursday


I can order numbers to 50.

In your number books write each set of numbers in order from the smallest to the biggest.


12,  34,  24,  18,  26, 21


47,  39,  46,  35, 41, 30


25, 43,  38,  42,  49, 27


40, 38, 32, 43, 39, 41


18, 24, 20, 19, 22,26



See P1 notes.