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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Mon 27th April 2020

Hello Everyone!  Mrs Lowry back again!

 I hope you are all keeping well and busy!  Where has the sun gone?    I’ve been busy in my garden over the last week and lots of my vegetables are beginning to grow. What about your beans?   Are you looking after them well?  Did you put any in a jam jar? Which, if any, are growing?

I would love to see some photos, either posted to FB or messenger or email and then maybe we can share them so you can see how everyone’s seeds are growing.

PRIMARY ONE: Wednesday 29th April 2020


Complete word search in phonic booklet

Mental Maths:

I can say the number before and after

Remember “before” means which way on your numberline?

Put out your digit cards from your Learning Together folder and jumble them. Pick up a card and quickly say the number before or after [adult to choose]. Repeat until all cards used.


I can add to 10 using pictures

Find Dinosaur Adding Sheet from your learning pack [count carefully!]


Please practice your name and surname in your literacy book 5 times. Show tall capital letters and make sure you are starting your letters from the top!

PRIMARY TWO: Wednesday 29th April 2020


Complete code breaker activity in phonic booklet

Practise writing  last 3 spellings on whiteboard under the table without looking!

Mental Maths:

I know my number bonds to 10.

Get out your digit cards to 10 and ask adult to hide them around the room keeping one card.

You must find the pair to your card but must replace it if it is not a bond of 10.

A bit like pairs but the cards must be put back under the cushion etc unless they make 10. You will have to remember where the numbers are to make your pairs!

Happy hunting! [When you make a pair keep them. Then the next card you find starts off your next pair]


I can add 3 numbers

Get out Dice Addition Game sheet and a dice – you will need to roll it 3 times to make your sums.

Add the first two numbers and write the total above.


Eg   4   +   6      +  5 =


Then add the total to the 3rd number.

10 + 5 = 15


Handwriting practice. Get out your reading book and write out two pages in your writing book. Think about your letters to show tall and small letters and tall capitals. Show clear spaces!