Home Learning
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Hi Everyone! Mrs Lowry back again! I don’t suppose you have too many Easter eggs left? No chance here with Mr L about!
I miss each and every one of you and loved to see your faces on our little Easter video!
I hope you are enjoying getting back to lessons – keep it up so you are well ready to move to P2 and P3!
Mental Maths: We are learning to say 1 more than or 1 less than any number up to 10.
- Get out your digit cards to 10 and jumble them. Ask a big person to call out some questions for you and you have to quickly pick up the correct number to answer. If you don’t answer correctly or get the correct card in 3 seconds then the big person wins the card! How many can you win today?
- Think carefully – if it is 1 more – what way will you go on the number line? What about 1 less?
Numeracy: Today we are learning to recognise different coins. [1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, £1, £2]
- Ask a big person if they have any coins or open your piggy bank. Look closely at each coin – what size are they? What colour? Can you find a number on them?
- Can you sort them for colour/ size.
- Ask a big person to call out a coin for you to pick up.
- Can you describe the coin [eg silver, brown, small, round edges etc]
- [For tomorrow please collect some 1p and 2p coins].
Phonics: Phonic booklet “ot”
Literacy: Today our story is Jack and the Beanstalk and you will practice being able to re-tell a story.
- You may have a story book at home to use or you can find an online version at:
- Now find the worksheet with the Jack and the Beanstalk finger puppets. Which puppet is which character? Is there a missing character? Maybe you could design your own puppet for them.
- Carefully colour and cut out by yourself. Then glue the tab to fit around two fingers.
- We will use these tomorrow to re-tell our story.
- You were given some beans in your pack. Have a close look at them and talk about the shape, size and colour. These are like the beans that Jack swopped his cow for. We are going to plant these tomorrow but today you will need to soak them overnight in some warm water.
- See if you can also find a plant pot and some soil and a jam jar or old straight sided glass and a newspaper ready for tomorrow!
Mental Maths: We are learning our number bonds to 10.
Let’s learn a little cheat!
- Put up your two hands to show 10 fingers. Now tuck down 1 – how many left? Yes 9. Let’s say 1+ 9 equals 10.
- Now tuck down 2 – how many left? Yes 8. Let’s ay 2 + 8 equals 10.
- Keep going until you have tucked down all fingers – don’t forget last sum 10 + 0!
Numeracy: We can estimate and count accurately to 20.
- Find 20-25 small items eg buttons, pasta, beads, counters.
- Lift a handful [not them all] and write on your whiteboard how many you think estimate have.
- Do you know what I mean by estimate? [yes, guess]
- Now – count how many very carefully making sure you do not count the same ones twice. It is a good idea to move them from the pile as you count. Write how many beside your guess. Where you exact/close?
- Have a few more goes and see if you are more accurate each time.
Phonics: Continue with booklets – see it right lesson.
Literacy: see P1
Topic work: See P1
Killylea Primary School, 150 Killylea Road Killylea Co. Armagh BT60 4LN Northern Ireland Phone: 02837 568621