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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Wed 1st April 2020

Good Morning everyone! Mrs Lowry here! have you been and how is home schooling going?  I hope you have remained on the "green" traffic light???

Did you see today's date? We are now in a new month - April and we are now in a new season  - do you know which one?   You have to be careful today because it is also known as April Fool's Day where people can play tricks on you before 12 o'clock!

For P1:

Key word revision - can you say quickly the first twenty words? How many did you get? Write out one if you missed it and stick it on the fridge and practice every time you pass.

Word building: parent to write the following sounds on top of whiteboard - s a t m u d g

Ask your child to sound out and then write the following words and check for correct letter formation [most of our letters start at the top and are completed in one movement!]

mad   gum   sud   mat  gas  tag

Now write supercalafragalisticexpealdocious! [April fool!]

Mental Maths: roll your dot dice and say what is one more than the number shown. Try and answer quickly!

Topic work: When you are ready I want you to go into your garden or when you are out for a walk today to look and find 5 signs of spring. You will need to look closely for changes all around!


For P2:

Please continue using your high frequency word book - can an adult ask you to write a dictation sentence using one or two of the words to check that you are able to spell them correctly in a sentence. These are important words that you will probably use more often than others in your writing so its is good to know how to spell them [ this is also true for names of tractors, unicorns, granny etc]

Mental Maths: doubles to 8.

We are looking a two more doubles today - double 7 and double 8. Can you work out what the answer is?

Cut up 16 squares of paper or use postits. Write the numbers 1 - 8 and then write 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 on the other 8. First match them up so that the number is with its double eg 4 and 8,  6 and 12.

Now jumble them up and get your big person to time you for 1 minute - can you match them?

Next write out all the doubles to 100 [just joking - April Fool!]

Topic work: see P1 above and do the same!