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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Mon 1st June 2020


On Friday 12th June pupils will be having a Virtual End of Year Party!

But you will need to make plans…

  1. Make a list of things you will need to plan for

[Things to consider – how many family members will be at my party, what games or activities could we include, what food could we have, where will it take place]

  1. Design an End of Year banner

[Remember a good banner has clear writing and is colourful]

  1. Create a game – draw a plan and label. Write instructions. Practice to see if it works or you need to re-think the rules.
  2. Make invitations for your family members [or teddies]

[Include date, time, place, dress code – maybe it could have a theme?]

  1. Make food eg crispie buns/ sandwiches/ fruit kebabs/ fruit smoothie

[Lots of learning in baking – weighing out ingredients/ timing/ portions]

  1. Have FUN!

[Please take a photo and share with so we can post on website and school facebook page.