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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Fri 24th April 2020

Monday 27th April

Hello and welcome to a new week!  Please use the following activities as a guide – as long as you keep up the basics.   If you want any ideas for alternative activities, please get in touch by emailing

Word of the week– see sheet included in pack

New Wave English

New Wave Maths

Linguistic Phonics Summer Week 1

Mental Maths Summer Week 1


Handwriting – Next page of booklet – pay attention to advice on bottom of page

Literacy - Phonics – scaffold text.  Gus / Eggs (g sound)

Numeracy – using the 100 grid children should count forwards and backwards in 10s.  First in multiples of 10 then any number.  Colour in the multiples of 10 in red, e.g. 10, 20, 30 etc.  Do they notice a pattern?      Use the game to identify the multiples of 10 (select multiples of 10, then x10)

Tuesday 28th April

Word of the week

New Wave English

New Wave Maths

Linguistic Phonics Summer Week 1

Mental Maths Summer Week 1


Literacy – Punctuation – Speech Marks.  Locate speech marks in a reading or story book.  Where do they start or end?  We call them 66 and 99.  You place the 66 at the start of what is spoken and 99 to end what has been said. E.g. “How are you?” asked the old lady.

Place correct punctuation into each sentence (use Literacy Activity Book)

1.   I want a puppy for my birthday pleaded Annie.

2.  Where will we go for breakfast? asked Mrs. Miskelly.

3.  Little Red Riding Hood looked at her Granny and said Oh Grandma, what big teeth you have!

4.  Please follow the rules of the game, shouted the coach.

5.  When the exam was over Ben shouted, Yippee!

Numeracy – using the 100 grid from yesterday children should count forwards and backwards in 5s.  Just the multiples of5.  Colour in the multiples of 5 in blue, e.g. 5, 10, 15,20 etc.   Do they notice a pattern?    Use the game to identify the multiples of 5 (select multiples of 10, then x5) 

Wednesday 29th April

Word of the week

New Wave English

New Wave Maths

Linguistic Phonics Summer Week 1

Mental Maths Summer Week 1


Literacy – Punctuation – Speech Marks.  “Comic Strip Speech Worksheet”  1        Place speech marks correctly.

Numeracy – Try counting forwards and backwards in 5s and 10s without the use of 100 grid.  Can they answer + or – sums?  95 – 5 =           71 + 10 =                 (You can do this orally or write into Numeracy Book)