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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Fri 27th March 2020

Monday 30th March

Word of the week - see sheet included in pack

New Wave English

New Wave Maths

Linguistic Phonics Spring 2 Week 6

Mental Maths Spring 2 Week 6


Literacy - Phonics – scaffold text.  Read with your child. Highlight the words which contain the target sound (be careful as some may make a different sound – say the words out loud) Lorna ends up in Hospital (or sound)

Handwriting – Next page of booklet – pay attention to advice on bottom of page

Numeracy – x 4 On a 100 grid count in 4s and colour the numbers you land on.  Go up to 48.

Using Lego or pasta make x 4 arrays (you can also draw squares on paper to show x 4)       o o o o

                                                                                                                                    o o o o          2 x 4


Tuesday 31st March

Word of the week

New Wave English

New Wave Maths

Linguistic Phonics Spring 2 Week 6

Mental Maths Spring 2 Week 6


Literacy - Literacy – Grammar – Adverbs.  Words which describe a verb – usually end in –ly, e.g quietly, silently.  Use a reading book or story and find some adverbs.  Identifying Adverbs 3 stars

Numeracy – x 4 complete x 4 booklet    x 4 Song!

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Word of the week

New Wave English

New Wave Maths

Linguistic Phonics Spring 2 Week 6

Mental Maths Spring 2 Week 6


Literacy – create an Easter card to send to a relative that you are unable to visit at the minute.  Write a short message and don’t forget your Capital Letters and Full Stops!

Address an envelope correctly.  Send a photo of your card to

Numeracy – x 4 complete x 4 activity sheets

Play Hit the Button


We hope you have a lovely Easter.  Enjoy the Holidays.  We are miss you all lots!

If you have any problems this week, or just want to tell me something, please email